Saturday, March 27, 2010

Spring Break

I went to the coast and did nothing but then I came home and painted so much that I started seeing brush strokes behind my eyelids. I am almost done with my 2 paintings, but I have been working very hard at it. My self portrait looks like me, but only kind of like me. The thing is I dont think that there is anything else I can do to make it much better, because it wont ever be perfect, but i guess that's ok. I also am almost done with my ring fingers one. I also bought a tub of licorice and I am going to make a self portrait again out of licorice. I just need a photo to base it off of. But otherwise I am out of ideas, which is not good.

Monday, March 15, 2010

eat me concentration

hopefully kirstin wont kill me for this but here is the before and after pics for her lovely painting. it kinda looks like her. and then the curly one is my self portrait, which kinda looks like me. my concentration has somethis to do with women and food. so... ya. hope all y'all like it.