Sunday, April 18, 2010

so tired

these past two weekends have just been non stop stuff. my college list has been shortened to about 6, i have worked on APUS for more than 24 hours all put together (which sucks) but i did get to work on art. I was able to work for like 6 hours on 3 different pieces. one is a lady in a donut, floating out to sea. another is a women on a couch with licorice lining and another is a women (of course) in a Victorian dress surrounded by a cande coated landscap, so it's pretty interesting. I have been watching buffy while painting. i like that show. I really hope i am able to finish these three paintings as well as the fourth one at school. But we'll see, everything is on a timeline and everything is going so hard so fast. we'll see how well this works out. i just would like to rest.

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